Monthly Archives: July 2015


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Still no sign of the Progress Ace’s progress. By my reckoning she should definitely be well past Sri Lanka by now so I guess the next hope for an update won’t be until the 4th or 5th passing through Eritrea’s waters when the terran AIS picks up a signal again. Here’s hoping the resurgent Somalian pirates don’t consider this a good weekend to start up with their shenanigans in earnest!


Passing Banda Aceh

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We’re back in range after a gap around the northeast corner of Sumatra, about to head off into the depths of the ocean across to Sri Lanka… possibly not coming back online to the Gulf!! What will I do for five days? Some work maybe???…


38th sleep overdue

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One last check before checking out for the night… and we’re in range again. I’ll sleep easier now.


I posted earlier on and have had some interesting responses from loyal owners that just motivate the child in me that’s prompted this site even more. I can’t wait… but have no choice but do so I guess! Roll on September.

Out of range past Kuala Lumpur

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So I hope she’s picked up again around the northern tip of Sumatra before the long crossing across to Sri Lanka, but we’ve gone out of range again late this afternoon.


Progress Ace through Malacca Strait

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At 01:00 UTC (09:00 local time) we set off from Singapore and are beating a path up the Malacca Straits.


Looking at all the live traffic on the water makes me think of the MH370 debarcle. If it went down in the Malacca Straits; surely someone would have seen it? It looks somewhat akin to an accident happening on the M25 and no-one notices…


Anchored Off Singapore

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Hmm, anchored off shore. Maybe they’re in a queue, I doubt they’d fuel off shore. Maybe they’re all just off to shore for a jolly up on Saturday night? Hmm.


Approaching Singapore

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Running a bit late Progress Ace finally appears in range of Singapore where she’ll dock I guess to take on fuel and supplies. According to the predeclared schedule she was due in port 24 Jul 15 02:00, then depart again on the 24 Jul 15 14:00. To be fair when she left Nakanoseki she already declared an ETA a day behind schedule due Singapore 25 Jul 08:00 UTC, which has now been updated to 15:30 UTC that she’s back in range. I’m sure they build some contingency time in to the schedule and I hope they make up some of the time as this is torture waiting 🙂


I can imagine Singapore’s a cool place to spend your Saturday evening, but I hope the crew don’t get too carried away! Precious cargo on board – and we don’t want a repeat of either the Cougar Ace or Baltic Ace!

Passing the Philippines

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After another brief abscence from the AIS network we pop up again off the north west coast of the northern Philippines.


Sndamac su bale duri

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Popping up in range of the Taiwanese coast. Bring back so called fond memories of two weeks spent on Taiwan at a very good friend’s wedding in 2013. Wishing we were there sharing the view of Taroko Gorge once more – though to be fair, it’d be a bit of a pin prick on the starboard horizon! Hope you’re well Alexa! 😉

Passing Taiwan


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Due in Zeebrugge 17th August, in my garage 1st September the Progress Ace departs Nakanoseki at 11:55 on the 19th July 2015, it’s precious cargo tightly bound to the floor, wing mirrors folded and just inches from potential bumps and scratches. Fare thee well, safe journey…

ProgressAce underway